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Behind the scenes – Preview

Here is a sneak preview of a big watercolor I started today. This piece is kind of an “experiment.” I’ve never painted a watercolor this big (30x22in; 76x56cm). I’m also applying the paint in a way that combines watercolor and oil painting. Unlike watercolor,

  • I am not painting big areas of solid color.

  • I am mixing some colors on the paper (not before I use them).

  • My painting is standing upright instead of lying down.

The last point is interesting and has caused me to make some adjustments; mainly not using as much water as I normally would over a large area. All of this combines to give it a different “look.” We shall see what happens.

Fez start
Michael Liebhaber, untitled as of now.
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Happy New Year!!!!!

Almost 2016 in Oregon – towards the end of the new year cycle. Happy 2016 to all of my friends around the world who have already celebrated. This image is one of travel. Who know what the new year will bring?

2016 new year 450

Have you entered your email address yet (in the right side-bar)?

I will soon send my email subscribers the hi-resolution digital version of my slightly eccentric 2016 calendar.

It’s 5×7 inches and can be printed.

I am going to tack mine up as a reminder that the year never goes as planned.

A small preview is below.

To get a hi-res calendar, enter your email at right or send me an email directly. It’s free.






Eccentric 2016 Calendar

2016 pleasant Journey calendar sm

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Behind the scenes – Finished!

Just finished the 2015 Road Trip. Good, because 2015 is almost gone. It looks so small and cute in the photo – they’re all 7×5 inches. I will post the series in its entirety the first week in January (I have to wait for this one to dry so I can scan it). It’s the I-5 Grapevine hills north of Los Angeles.

Finished selfie - I have to get a tripod.
Finished selfie – I have to get a tripod.
Finished - A little closer.
Finished – A little closer.
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Sketches from Morocco

Just returned from a three-day weekend get-away to Fez, Morocco. These are a couple of sketches I drew from memory one night as I had trouble sleeping.

Michael Liebhaber, Rooftop View of Fez, Pencil, 20x14.5cm (8x5.75in)
Michael Liebhaber, Rooftop View of Fez, Pencil, 20×14.5cm (8×5.75in)
Michael Liebhaber, Street Scene in Fez Souk, Pencil, 20x14.5cm (8x5.75in)
Michael Liebhaber, Street Scene in Fez Souk, Pencil, 20×14.5cm (8×5.75in)
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An impressive church hidden in a small community

St. Sebastian Church in Rockenhausen, Germany. It’s about 30km north of Kaiserslautern. The church is imposing on the outside and impressive on the inside, very well kept, and the pastel hues of the sun coming through the square glass window panes is amazing.


Michael Liebhaber; St. Sebastian Church, Rockenhausen, Germany; Watercolor and Ink; 7x5in (18x13cm)
Michael Liebhaber, St. Sebastian Church, Rockenhausen, Germany, 2014,
Watercolor and Ink, 7x5in (18x13cm)



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Reframing a day job

I was about to complain that my day job is interfering with my painting schedule. It’s pretty hectic this week. But then I thought … Hey, wait a minute, my day job enables me to live in Germany, travel around Europe, and paint in great locations. It’s better than many alternatives, so I am happy. ((insert smiley face here))

So I sketched St Sebastian church yesterday. I was going to watercolor it on the spot, but had an ice cream emergency. I was going to paint it today, but just couldn’t get to it. My sketch is below, still in my watercolor sketchbook. I’ll finish it tomorrow. ((insert rolling eyes face here))


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How artist’s decide what to paint

A day in the life…
Watercolors today. A painting friend and I set out today to “paint outside”, flowers. The day was a mix of sun, heavy clouds, and wind. Not conducive to painting outdoors. I’m not a fan of painting in the wind. First stop however, was to photograph a view of the city of Leithof. I am thinking about doing a “building” series. I might have been persuaded to paint, but the wind …

On to flowers. We stopped and photographed some roadside wildflowers, but my friend knew of a farmer who has a small plot of ground planted with sunflowers and gladiolas. The sunflowers were wonderful. You can pick what you want and put money in a little lock box. We just wanted to paint, but the sunflowers were pointing the wrong way; no where to comfortably paint, and I wasn’t insipred to paint gladiolas, in the wind. Then we went to a cemetery in the country, hoping to find wildflowers along the stone fence. Nothing. Then we went to the town of Rockenhausen. We didn’t find flowers, but we found this wonderful church (see pic below). My friend sighed. It was impressive, but it wasn’t a flower. We drew the church, and then finally, in a moment of artistic satisfaction, we had ice cream.

St Sebastian Church, Rockenhausen (built 1915)

Me holding a white piece of paper and a pencil