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Backyard still life

Busy preparing classes and teaching. Result:  Drawing has slowed considerably; oil painting has essentially stopped. Temporary but necessary. I draw outside as much as I can, but we are having an “Indian Summer” in Scottsdale with above normal temps for late September. I just finished this drawing. It’s 5:30pm and 109◦F (almost 43◦ C). Good thing I was next to the pool.  🙂   I will pick up the outdoor drawing when the average daytime temps fall below 100 (38C).

Backyard still life (pencil, 10x8in, 2011)

2 thoughts on “Backyard still life

  1. Michael, hey sorry the weather is so hot down there. I just wantes to check on and see what your thoughts were about interviewing for our blog, “a travel painting blog”. We are trying to make our site diverse by involving different people with different ideas about what travel painting is about. I understand you’re busy getting ready for class but I just wanted to let you know we’re still interested in having you on. We also will set up a link to your website so people visiting can check out what you’re doing here on your site. It’s about bringing some exposure to people like yourself who are travelling and painting and truly experiencing things. Shoot me an email and we’ll can hopefully set something up. To your readers, here is a shameless plug, check out ” a travel painting blog”.
    Thanks, Tom

    1. I used to look forward to Indian Summers when I lived in Connecticut. Bit different in the desert.

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