Going nuts with work. Grab sketch gear. Grab water. Drive to end of earth.
Okay, maybe not THE end, but close enough. I found a dirt road that was suitable only for my jeep: Rocks, very narrow in places with occasional steep drop offs to one side of the jeep or the other. Cool. It’s been too long since my jeep and I have enjoyed the solitude of a remote trail. There were not any recent tire tracks from other vehicles. Nice. It was scenic, but not dramatically pretty. The road is used by the Forest Service to fight fires and by the power company to service large power transmission towers. There were also signs of bird hunting (spent shotgun shells). Still, it was quiet and off the beaten path. My jeep thanked me for getting it off pavement. I drew its portrait, then drove home, refreshed.
FYI: That’s Superstition Mountains and Weaver’s Needle in the distance.
Happy Trails