

When I was 8 years old, I walked into the Arizona Desert, alone. I never came back.

Unknowingly, I had stepped into a place of symbolism and paradox. Where everything was nameless, unfamiliar, and uncertain, curiosity was my guide. There was no path, yet I was never lost. I had no purpose, yet by not searching, I discovered many things. By not talking, I spoke with everything. I became aware of the vitality in everything around me. I learned that nothing is as it appears.

Thus, I believe that reality is what we imagine it to be, which leads me to challenge preconceived beliefs and norms, often by doing the opposite of what others routinely or conventionally do.

The way I challenge preconceptions is to paint people and places in ways we do not normally see or think about them, both real and yet imagined.

Regarding materials, I paint with oil on canvas or board. I rarely use any mediums other than Gamsol solvent. When I travel, I like to sketch my surroundings in watercolor or on my iPad.



Please click here for My Story/Bio.

In front of Noulin Galette, Montmarte, Paris In front of Moulin Galette, Montmarte, Paris